What Major Event Caused The Federal Government to Start Regulating The Stock Market?

What Major Event Caused The Federal Government to Start Regulating The Stock Market?

The stock market is very important in the world's economy. It's a place where people and businesses can buy and sell shares of public companies. But it wasn't always watched over by the government. There was a big event that happened, and after that, the government decided to make rules to keep things safe for investors and to make sure the market stays stable. In this article, we'll talk about that important event and why it's important for the government to regulate the stock market.

1. The need for government regulation in the stock market

The stock market is a complicated place where people buy and sell things like stocks and bonds. If there aren't rules to keep things fair, bad stuff can happen, like cheating and tricks that hurt regular people. This can make people lose a lot of money and make the whole market not trustworthy. 

Government rules are like guards to keep this from happening, so people don't get hurt, and things stay honest when trading.

2. The major event that led to the federal government's involvement

The big event that made the government step in and make rules for the stock market was the stock market crash of 1929. This was also called the Great Crash or Black Tuesday. It was a really bad thing because it started the Great Depression, a global economic crisis that lasted for ten years. 

The crash happened because people were making too many risky bets on stocks, and they borrowed a lot of money to do it. When stock prices dropped a lot, many people lost their savings, and it caused a lot of money problems for everyone.

3. The establishment of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

After the stock market crash, the government knew it had to do something to make sure the stock market was safe. So, in 1934, they created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is like a team that watches over the stock market. 

They make sure that everyone follows the rules and that people who invest their money are protected. Their main job is to keep the market fair and running smoothly and to help businesses get money from investors.

4. Understanding securities and their role in the stock market

To know why government rules are important for the stock market, it's first important to understand what securities are and what they do. Securities are like special pieces of paper that show you own part of a company or that someone owes you money. Stocks, bonds, and other things like that are examples of securities. 

People buy and sell these in the stock market to be part of companies' success or earn money from their investments. But the prices of these securities can change because of different things like how well the company is doing, how the economy is, and what people think.

5. The impact of mortgage-backed securities on the stock market

A big thing that happened in the stock market and made the government put more rules in place was the rise of something called mortgage-backed securities (MBS). These are like bundles of many home loans put together into one thing that people can buy. They became popular in the early 2000s because they let banks sell home loans to other people. 

But these MBS were tricky, and not everyone understood how risky they could be. In 2008, the housing market crashed, and a lot of banks got in trouble because of these MBS. This showed that we needed more rules to stop these big problems from happening again.

6. Key players in the regulation of the stock market - Spartan Capital Securities

Spartan Capital Securities is an important company that helps make sure the stock market follows the rules. They offer different services for people who want to invest in the stock market. What sets them apart is that they really focus on following all the rules that the government sets, and they work hard to be honest and professional. Spartan Capital Securities is like a watchdog that helps keep the market in line with the rules made by the government and other regulators.

7. Common complaints against Spartan Capital Securities

Even though Spartan Capital Securities is known for following rules, no company is perfect. People have sometimes complained about them. Some of the common complaints include saying that they broke the law with stocks, didn't explain the risks well, gave bad customer service, and made lousy investment suggestions. 

So, it's crucial for investors to check a company's history and reputation before working with them to make sure their money is safe.

8. Overview of marketable securities and their importance

Marketable securities are like things you can turn into cash quickly. They're easy to buy or sell in another market. These can be things like stocks, bonds, or short-term investments that will be ready in a year or less.

These securities are important because they give investors a way to invest for a short time and still have their money ready when they need it. Also, companies can use marketable securities to get money from investors by selling stocks or bonds. This helps companies grow and do more business.

9. Citadel Securities and the role of Ken Griffin in the market

Citadel Securities is a big player in the stock market. It helps make sure the market runs smoothly and there's enough trading happening. It was started by a very rich person, Ken Griffin. Citadel Securities uses smart technology and a lot of know-how about the market to help people buy and sell things like stocks.

Ken Griffin is a famous person in the money world. He's known for being really smart and making good things happen in the market. People see him as someone who's creative and successful in the finance business.


To sum it up, the government started making rules for the stock market because of the big crash in 1929. This led to the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which is like a watchman for the market. It keeps things fair, makes sure people follow the law and protects investors.

Having government rules is very important to keep the stock market stable and honest. It sets the ground rules for fair trading, makes sure people follow the laws about stocks, and makes sure regular folks' money is safe. In today's ever-changing financial world, government rules are still a crucial part of the stock market, allowing people and businesses to be part of the global economy's growth and success.

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